Hi everyone,
I would like to start this post by asking how your 2023 has been. Hopefully life's treated you well, and if so then long may it continue!
Personally though, I'm glad to see the back of this year. One can only hope that things finally start to come together in 2024, and if not then I just have to wait some more :/
Anyway, that's enough of that. I am proud to announce that my latest album, SINGULARITY, is finished and pending release. It's a prog/space rock album, Mega Drive style, which includes some of the tracks I've posted here this year (like Macrocosmic, IIS, and Origin). Winter break has given me the time and motivation to write four new tracks in the space of two weeks, which for me is unheard of lol
But because 2023 has been such a miserable year for me personally, I'm waiting till New Year's to drop the album. It'll go up on bandcamp and youtube on January 1st - I might upload the rest of the individual tracks here sometime after, if for some reason anyone wants me to :)
Once again, I thank you for your time and wish you a happy new year :)
My best wishes for this new year too! Everything can improve with time and desire
Cheers andre :)