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19 Game Reviews

not sure what to say about this
pretty much the one thing i liked was having to avoid the "load file" thingies, that was actually a decent idea (although not executed well)
that's all i can really say for the whole thing: not executed well
some simple ways of improving it would be to mark where the end of each level is, add some music, maybe add some cool background effects

i think, although this game is objectively not that great, it definitely has potential, and i think that you definitely have potential as a programmer :)

- jack

Imacouch1 responds:

Thankyou for the feedback! i'll try to add that in the full version :)

don't want to sound too harsh, but its kind of boring and lifeless
needs some music to liven it up really
as for the gameplay itself, it's a decent enough concept, you just have to work on the execution a bit better
like, for example, it would be better to have time remaining separate from player health

anyway, i think with some work you could make this pretty playable ;)
- jack

Recent Audio Reviews

20 Audio Reviews

Love the way the bass marries together with the lead square & percussion - you seem to have found a perfect balance of sound textures (which I can never achieve lol)
Melodically it's also really compelling, especially in the second half when the glock comes in, and the ending offers a nice contrast to the intensity of the rest of the song.

10/10, excellent work :)

GreenyToaster responds:

Thank you so much!!!

Sounds authentic. Love the melodic content in the second half, but the first is still great despite what sounds like an awkward choice of key. One thing I would improve would be to flesh it out a bit more, maybe by adding some more background melodies like the ones towards the end.

Has an uneasy vibe that I can't quite place, which I like
unfortunately it gets a little stale in the middle and towards the end
Although the bridge before the last bit is nice, has that feeling of vagueness about it

All in all, not a bad first composition - a bit simplistic but that's fine, hopefully you can kick on and learn as you go :)

DeMOSic responds:

Thanks! though ill have you know, ive made tons more music for 3 years (though its chiptune music and not "real" music), this is just the first one ive uploaded to NG.

Sorry for the middle part, though i feel its good anyway.


Jack @Tetriform

Age 19, Male


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne

Joined on 6/21/20

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