
20 Audio Reviews

11 w/ Responses

Love the way the bass marries together with the lead square & percussion - you seem to have found a perfect balance of sound textures (which I can never achieve lol)
Melodically it's also really compelling, especially in the second half when the glock comes in, and the ending offers a nice contrast to the intensity of the rest of the song.

10/10, excellent work :)

GreenyToaster responds:

Thank you so much!!!

Sounds authentic. Love the melodic content in the second half, but the first is still great despite what sounds like an awkward choice of key. One thing I would improve would be to flesh it out a bit more, maybe by adding some more background melodies like the ones towards the end.

Has an uneasy vibe that I can't quite place, which I like
unfortunately it gets a little stale in the middle and towards the end
Although the bridge before the last bit is nice, has that feeling of vagueness about it

All in all, not a bad first composition - a bit simplistic but that's fine, hopefully you can kick on and learn as you go :)

DeMOSic responds:

Thanks! though ill have you know, ive made tons more music for 3 years (though its chiptune music and not "real" music), this is just the first one ive uploaded to NG.

Sorry for the middle part, though i feel its good anyway.

great entry, fingers crossed it takes off :)

TimeTravelleR54 responds:

Very thx, your entry have strong too, good look :D

not bad
could benefit from a bit more variation in the next bit
also has plenty of atmosphere which is good, better than I can manage

I'm curious - what sort of software do you use to compose chiptune? I'm looking to move in a new direction with my own chiptune stuff - is there anything better than what I'm currently using?


YurixOfficial responds:

As for me, I use FL Studio 20 with plugin NintendoVST, which gives a very similar sound as the console itself had.

holy shit how has this passed me by?
I really love the use of arpeggiation on this track, and the melodies in general are really nice
one issue though (and this is subjective) - using triangle for the main melody means there isn't as much depth as maybe I would like, but it was a neat idea

anyway I'm looking forward to your next track :)
- Jack

TimeTravelleR54 responds:

I'm glad to see you here haha. Well thanks bro, and yeah, I've wanted to use the arpeggiation for a long time but I couldn't find a way to make it look good, so this is the first time I've used that resource for a loop of mine.

Something I've realized recently is that I have more loops using the triangular wave but not as a bass haha, I also have some half-baked projects for the NES that I do use with low frequencies, I'll publish them in full in the future at throughout the year.

And yes, I'm also really looking forward to upload the song I have pending, I hope I finish it soon and it won't take me a whole year like it did last year xD

your best work so far, great job :)

your best so far I think
the vocals add a nice touch to the drops
but as I say, the same problems you had in your previous work are arising
the ending is still a bit abrupt and the song kinda fades into total silence for a moment after the first drop
still, your all-round composition is improving I think
keep going!


good, although i agree with the criticisms highlighted in the other reviews tbh
i also think the transition immediately after the drop is a bit sudden, although that's probably just me
and again it ends kinda abruptly

overall though, good work
carry on doing what you're doing :)
- jack

SomeGuyMusic responds:

Thank you for the feedback! Perhaps I'll try and work on my ending skills 👌

where have I heard this title before


Jack @Tetriform

Age 19, Male


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne

Joined on 6/21/20

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