
20 Audio Reviews

11 w/ Responses

not sure what to say about this one
the beginning is kinda mediocre but it does improve a lot
the drop is quite good
main problem is that it ends quite abruptly
i'd advise you for your next song to make something a little longer and with a bit more of a definite ending

anyway, not a bad start :)
footnote: what software do you use to make this? just asking

SomeGuyMusic responds:

Yeah I do have to agree with you. I really should have put more time and effort into this one. I use bandlabs mobile since I don't have a PC and I also can't pay for FL on mobile but I try to work with what I have. Unfortunately there is an instrument limit on the app I use as well, but I think I still have enough material to make some good stuff so stay tuned and I will make sure not to disappoint next time 😄

not bad, but there are issues
it's a little repetitive and it ends kinda abruptly
also i'm a bit sceptical when it comes to blending lofi and chiptune, it seems kinda hard to execute properly
although to be fair, you haven't done a bad job at that

i look forward to hearing what world two has to offer :)
- jack

8BitAndChill responds:

I appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely keep it in mind on my next song. It is difficult to blend lofi and chiptune, but it's fun to try and experiment with the two genres.

i don't understand
i only just realised how ahead of its time this song is
doesn't even sound like it was made 16 years ago

very nice soundtrack!
it's very calming and sounds like a perfect fit for your game :)
good luck with it

- jack

Viraxor responds:

thanks, man!

not bad!
i feel like this would benefit from an extension - i like the direction it's going in
my one complaint is that it feels like it ends quite abruptly - another problem you could solve by extending it

i feel like overall you have a solid base, it's not perfect but with a little work it could end up really good :)

- jack

strange song
i'm getting kind of like lofi vibes from it, but at the same time it's kind of intense
composition was really nice also

i want you to know that you have now been scouted :)
- jack

nice job :)

RTMC responds:


this honestly deserves popular label
no, really

BaronVonBadGuy responds:

I appreciate it, heh, would be nice. Was thinking of trying to start my own Label as a side project. Perhaps get a collection of fellow musicians and artists.


Jack @Tetriform

Age 19, Male


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne

Joined on 6/21/20

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